Wednesday, 31 October 2018

A2 Business

We will start in September working on Paper 2 (Business activities, decisions and strategy.)

2 hour exam in June 2020.

Papers 1 & 2 will have a similar format.

Sections A & B have the following:

2 x 4 mark explain, calculate, draw questions.

For 'explain' questions: 1 mark for a definition, 2 marks for application (which means you need to use the text for source material) and 1 mark for analysis (The benefit of this would be....)

1 x 10 mark assess question. (Must be two sided).

1 x 12 mark assess question. (Must be two sided).

1 x 20 mark evaluate two options and decide question. 

We will need to revise the content of the A/S exams.

Booklet relating to this video here.

A2 Numerical content:

How to revise:

Students who test themselves or try to retrieve material from their memory are going to learn that material better in the long run. 

Repeated testing means it will be in their long term memory, this is because the student is more engaged and it is harder for the mind to wander. 

When you get the correct answers it appears to produce a more elaborative memory trace connected with your prior knowledge, so you're building on what you know. 
However the best strategy is to plan ahead and not do all your revision on one subject in a block before moving on to the next - a technique called "distributed practice".

You are much better doing ‘little and often’ - as this helps build on previous knowledge.

Revision Cards

Sample exam type questions here.